Carbon Dioxide Solubility in the Oceans

Al Gore is shown marching in front of a large graph showing atmospheric temperature and levels of carbon dioxide in the movie “An Inconvenient Truth.” He smiles and observes that the two lines look related. He proposes that carbon dioxide from burning hydrocarbons has caused the small amount of warming over the last century. Those who don’t believe man is the cause of this warming are called “deniers” who ignore the scientific facts. I proudly accept the name “denier,” but point out that I do not deny nor ignore the scientific facts. What Mr. Gore neglects to mention is that the warming shown by the graphs occurs decades before the carbon dioxide levels increase. The warming therefore could not have been caused by increases in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide since the warming comes first. Mr. Gore has to deny the scientific facts to defend his theory.  

“Chemwiki” has a scientific explanation for why warming of the ocean decreases the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide. It is explained “…that temperature is the measure of the average kinetic energy. As temperature increases, kinetic energy increases. The greater kinetic energy results in greater molecular motion of the gas particles. As a result, the gas particles dissolved in the liquid are more likely to escape to the gas phase and the existing gas particles are less likely to be dissolved. The converse is true as well. So, the trend now appears as follows: increased temperatures mean lesser solubility and decreased temperatures mean higher solubility.” For those who prefer a less complicated explanation, think of how the head of a warm beer is larger than a cold one. The carbonation of the beer decreases as the beer warms and makes more foam.

It is also a scientific fact that global temperatures have not followed the computer models predicting global warming. It is a bit baffling that James Hansen, one of the most ardent advocates that man is causing global warming, has said that the lower than expected temperature rise since 2000 “…could be explained by increased emissions from burning coal.” A paper containing that statement is titled, “The puzzle—why have rising temperatures been on a Twenty-year hiatus.”

Predictions that increased levels of carbon dioxide would create global cooling failed to come true in the 1970s. Predictions that there would be global warming failed to come true in 2000. I have a prediction, and that is the media will report there will be climate change. Since the climate has always changed, I am certain the predictions will come true this time.

Climate scientists are said to be baffled that temperatures aren’t increasing as predicted by their models. I have a suggestion. Perhaps they should plot measured activity of the sun against temperatures. I expect they will find a direct correlation between increased solar activity and the one degree of warming that occurred in the twentieth century. I also predict they will find that solar activity decreased somewhere around 2000. Perhaps it isn’t very scientifically exciting that the source of global warming would be the sun. Or perhaps it isn’t politically helpful to those who want to shut down energy production from the burning of hydrocarbons.

For more information, there is a recent article titled “Who Are the Real Climate Deniers?” by David Solway.