Third Anniversary for Rocky Flats Facts Web Site

The most important news about the web site as we have passed the third anniversary of the launch is that there is now a partner writing commentaries, book reviews, and explanations of the origins of expressions. There were a few commentaries and reviews provided by guest writers in the first couple of years, but Kate Rauner, writing under the tag line “Ponderer,” has provided a significant portion of the content in the last year. Her posts have provided a nice expansion in subjects and opinions. I recommend Kate’s fun and interesting science fiction book, “Glitch.” You can see my review of that book on Amazon.

We launched this web site in November 2010 with the primary purpose of providing the free on line book “An Insider’s View of Rocky Flats, Urban Myths Debunked.” The book has had a few thousand people view it on line and several hundred copies have been sold on Amazon. There are eleven reviews on Amazon with an average rating of three and one half stars.

The website will contain 509 postings after this one is added, and they are almost equally divided between commentaries, book reviews, and explanations of the origin of expressions. The subjects of commentaries have covered a wide variety of subjects ranging from current events, politics, technology, and a multitude of other subjects that were thought to be interesting. There was a recent series discussing the pros and cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (foods). I often find something new to write about climate change. The reviews have often been of non-fiction history books or about famous people of history. I’ve had a recent fascination with the Ottoman Empire and the history of modern-day Turkey. I’ve almost stopped being surprised by what I didn’t learn about history in school even though I’ve always been interested.  

With that it’s time to get back to researching, reading, and being curious about what subjects can be described in future postings. Thanks for reading, and we hope you look us up on occasion!