
The practice of using hydraulic fracturing is interesting from several perspectives. The process has moved the U.S. closer to energy independence, has resulted in reductions of carbon dioxide emissions, and has upset fans of alternative energy. They are upset because the cost of energy produced by fracking is much less than the cost of solar and wind despite their government subsidies. Those who prefer to not use any hydrocarbon-based energy are searching for any reason to stop the successful process of producing the fuel some of us prefer in order to comfortably live our current life styles. Continue reading

Case Closed

case_closedI mentioned to my brother that I felt the “Killing Kennedy” book by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard did not answer whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the single assassin of John F. Kennedy. He suggested that I read this book by Gerald Posner, which has the subtitle “Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK.” I must say that I was convinced after reading the 607 page book (there are over a hundred pages of appendices, acknowledgements, notes and the index). I agree with my brother that the book gives a definitive answer that Oswald was the lone assassin. I thought the strongest evidence was that some of Oswald’s coworkers were on the floor directly beneath where he was firing out the window at the President. They all said there were three loud shots directly over their heads, the concussion from the shots knocked loose “cement” from the ceiling that filtered down on them, they heard the bolt action of the rifle worked three times, and they heard three casings hit the floor directly over their heads. There is even a picture in the book of two of the men looking out the fifth floor window during the shooting to see what was happening on the floor above them where Oswald was firing. Continue reading

Break the Ice

The Phrase Finder explains the expression means to “break down social formality and stiffness.”  The original meaning was “to forge a path for others to follow” and refered to breaking ice to allow navigation. The expression had a resurgence with the development of special ships designed for exploration in the polar regions. Mark Twain wrote a version of the expression in 1883.