
In the current age of political polarization, it is important to have slang terms for your opponents.  (Please read that as humor!)  For example, there are leftie loons and righty wing-nuts.

Here is a term I had never heard, from an unlikely source:

“A moment for language lovers to watch for is the appearance out of nowhere of  “pwogs”… – it’s shorthand for “progressives,” is not entirely flattering in that it often is in reference to knee-jerk old wannabe rads who reflexively support anything that smells of far liberal to even socialist ideas. Its origin is the urban northeast. The yiddish-inflected spelling reflecting what one might hear in a New York coffee house in the middle to latter part of the last century. What a great and ambiguous word is pwog. – See more at:  which is one of my favorite places to go for tips on science in the news.

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About Ponderer

Ponderer also writes science fiction and science-inspired rhyming poetry. Check her out at She worked at Rocky Flats for 22 years - you may know her as Kathy London.