This is an excellent book for both student and adult readers by Robert Peter Gale, M. D., PH. D. and Eric Lax. Gale is a scientist and physicist who has been involved in treating victims from every major nuclear accident in the past twenty-five years. Lax is an author of non-fiction books. Together they have written a book that is factual and easy to read, and that does not push any political position. My one complaint is the lack of an index. The authors provide a fine discussion of topics including terminology, medical issues, irradiation of food, how people access risk, and discussions of several high-profile incidents (including Hiroshima, Chernobyl, and Fukushima). They have written an excellent reference book, including a website with links to articles on their main topics, and an index would make it easier to use.
The authors say “we live in a sea of radiation… Because radiation touches every aspect of our lives – it is, in fact, responsible for our lives – it is essential to know what radiation is, how it works and what it can and cannot do.” People “know very little about radiation… [and] most of us are unaccustomed to carefully weighing competing risks and benefits.” They address topics we read about in the media: nuclear power and power plant accidents, fallout from nuclear bomb tests, food irradiation, cancer, and birth defects.
The authors are concerned that people’s fears are disproportionate to the risks. People worry about the wrong things and can, therefore, ignore real risks. For example, people should not worry about radiation from their TVs or cell phones, but should worry about radiation from medical procedures and, in some areas, radon gas in their homes. Continue reading →