The event held at the Arvada Center June 6-8, 2014 was interesting, and I commend the organizers and participants. I have posted earlier commentaries about the event, and I am considering perhaps one more. One panel discussion was titled “The Raid in Retrospect—Keynote Panel.” The Moderator was Patty Limerick and the panel consisted of Jon Lipsky (FBI leader of the raid), Former Governor Roy Romer, and former Congressman David Skaggs.
David Skaggs was the first panelist to speak who described how he had won a close Congressional race and was told by Tim Wirth, “Now Rocky Flats is yours.” Mr. Skaggs added that he was unaware of the raid until after it began and was made public.
Former Colorado Governor Romer was next, who began by describing how the Governor of Idaho refused three railroad cars of waste from Rocky Flats (an important occurrence). He toured the Plant and issued an order that limited the amount of waste allowed to be stored there.
The mostly mundane nature of what was being discussed was broken with Governor Romer saying that he was going to discuss something for the first time in public. He described how he had been informed that a night-time surveillance flyover of Building 771 at Rocky Flats had identified heat coming from the stack, which was interpreted to indicate that wastes were being illegally incinerated. He said he was very concerned and went to the Plant to look at the incinerator. (What follows approximates his comments.) “The incinerator was about the size of a refrigerator. I asked how many people had to be in the loop to run this ‘furnace.’ I was told it takes 30 people, and I didn’t think the ‘furnace’ had burned. Years later the FBI said the film was faulty and didn’t show the ‘furnace’ was burning.” Continue reading