Paperback Version of “An Insider’s View of Rocky Flats”

Requests for a “book that can be held” in addition to the online and downloadable e-book (PDF) versions currently available on this website, have prompted me to produce a print version that I am happy to announce is now available through both Amazon and CreateSpace. You can read a short description of the book at those links.  Amazon offers free shipping for orders over $25, if you want to combine an order with other books you’ve been wanting. 

First and foremost, and to disprove that I have become a greedy Capitalist, electronic forms of the book will continue to be free to any and all who want to read it online or download it. I encourage you to scan the content to decide whether you want to own the paperback. I also encourage you to watch this blog over the next couple of weeks to see important information provided by people who wanted to share some valuable insights.

I’m pleased that a printed hardcopy book is now available and I intend to buy copies to give to family. To those who might want an autographed copy, I would also be happy to sign purchased copies, although you will have to hand or send me the book. Your choice will be whether you want my “business signature, Farrel D. Hobbs,” or my “personal signature, Farrel.”

Getting that out of the way, who should buy this book? I recommend it to former Rocky Flats workers who are conflicted about whether Rocky Flats delivered an overall positive or negative benefit to our nation. I recommend it to people who are interested in sorting out the factual history of Rocky Flats from the inaccurate and sensationalized urban myths.

I am pleased that an ardent critic of Rocky Flats has commented, “… his narrative is very even tempered …” and, “[h]is engaging account will be of interest to any who cares about the legacy of Rocky Flats … including peace and environmental critics.” I am also pleased that a DOE official who had some connection with Rocky Flats has referred to the “…valuable website,” which includes a link to electronic forms of this book.

The paperback version of the book is currently available at both and at the links given above for $9.95 + S&H.

One thought on “Paperback Version of “An Insider’s View of Rocky Flats”

  1. Let us know when it’s available on Amazon. I pay a yearly fee so that all orders of whatever size get free shipping. By the way, I’m very pro-capitalism!

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