Global Warming Reporting

This will be the third posting about the issue of global warming. The first point I will make is that the advocates for the idea that man’s activities are causing damage to the climate are moving to change “global warming” to “climate change.” They were wrong in the 1970s when they warned that a new ice age was a certainty, and they might be wrong that the temperatures are rising.  One of them was quoted as saying the fact that temperatures haven’t continued to rise the last few years with increasing levels of carbon dioxide as predicted by the computer models was “a travesty.”  (How dare nature to not comply with the computer models!) However, if they can complete the transition of the mantra to be “climate change,” they are assured of being right. The climate has always changed, and it would be quite safe to predict it will continue to change.

A majority of American people have been convinced that a climactic disaster is looming based on what they have heard about the certainty of coast lines being flooded, increasingly ferocious hurricane seasons, and famines.  I will admit that the level of the oceans has increased.  There was once a land bridge between Russia and the United States. In fact sea levels have increased by about 7 inches in the past 100 years. Of course that isn’t sufficiently dramatic to make a point in a movie, so you should show a depiction of most of Florida and other coastal areas being swallowed by water. The predictions of horrific hurricane seasons have not materialized, and some years have been exceptionally mild. That apparently wasn’t as news worthy as the warnings. And we should stop converting corn into ethanol if we are actually worried about food shortages.

Would you predict that there has been a continuation of the shrinkage of the Arctic sea ice based on recent reports?  Check out the National Snow and Ice Data Center and look at the charts.  The amount of ice coverage is well below the 1979 to 2000 average, but the line is bouncing along near the 2006-2007 level.  I previously printed their charts for 2005 to 2009.  Ice coverage decreased from 2005 to 2007, but there was a significant increase from 2007 to 2008 and 2009. Reading through the explanations of their data you will find that “this month had the sixth-largest snow cover extent since the record started in 1966.”  There is another statement that “Reduced sea ice extent and extensive snow cover are not contradictory…”  I admit I didn’t understand their explanation.

I want to close this by referring to an entertaining lecture given by Michael Crichton titled “Aliens Cause Global Warming.” I recommend reading the entire lecture, but I will mention a couple of points.  He dismisses the idea that there is “consensus.”  His discussion of that is brilliant. Later in the paper he discusses the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  The draft of their 1995 report concluded, “No study to date has positively attributed all or part of observed climate changes to anthropogenic causes.”  That statement was removed and replaced in the final report with “The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on climate.” Reread both statements and contemplate them.  The first draft said their studies hadn’t connected man’s activities to global warming.  The final report “suggests” a “discernible human influence…”

I want to emphasize that I am strongly in favor of showing good stewardship to the planet.  I favor conservation of resources and research into how to make us more energy efficient and less dependent on countries that don’t like us very much for most of the oil we burn.  I’ll stop doing blogs criticizing how the story is being reported when I believe the reporting is being done honestly.

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