Angry Pigs Ad

Regular readers of this blog will notice that the first advertisement has been included as a “skyscraper” ad for the book “Angry Pigs Organized Against Gerbils: The Farmer Island War for a simple reason. We are promoting the book I authored based on the ideas and illustrations of our four grandchildren (listed as “Creative Staff and Illustrators.”) I think the way this book was developed by a grandfather teamed with grandchildren is unique, or at least I’m unaware of anything similar.

We’ve had enough feedback from readers of all ages to be confident that you will be pleased if you decide to buy the book either as a paperback or Kindle. Readers have called the book creative, fun, interesting, and intriguing. We’ve also been complimented about the positive messages. One of those is how the pig soldiers develop heartwarming respect for their comrades as they stand bravely together during the battles. They learn compassion is a more rewarding emotion than anger.

I selected the book to be discussed at the Denver Read and Feed book club October meeting held at our home, and have posted the comments by members on the review link of this web site. There were some very positive and interesting comments in that posting that might help you decide whether you are interested in the book.

We have a website that contains even more information. One of the links is “Continuing Adventures,” where ideas for a sequel are being created by the grandchildren and readers. Readers of the web site are encouraged to submit ideas about what happens next on Farmer Island.

We suggest you consider buying the book for your personal entertainment and that you consider it as a “stocking stuffer” for the upcoming holiday season.